Bernard Doroszczuk is stepping down after six years as Chairman of the ASN. His mandate was marked by the revival of nuclear power. EPR, small reactors, waste management: his successor will have his work cut out for him.
After six years at the head ofNuclear Safety Authority (ASN), Bernard Doroszczuk hands over his chair to Pierre-Marie Abadie, on November 13. The now ex-president of the ASN takes this opportunity to look back on ” a reversing mandate “in his own words. An anecdote illustrates this. In 2018, during his hearing before the Senate’s Economic Affairs Committee, Bernard Doroszczuk recalls being asked about the choices to be made in order to shut down 14 nuclear reactors.
Five years later, before the same commission, he was asked about building 14 EPR 2 reactors and extending the life of the current fleet. Between these two hearings, there were “ a reversal in the direction of nuclear policy, with the ASN playing a key role in addressing safety issues in both cases. “he recounts. Nuclear revival, merger between ASN and IRSN… the hot topics that…