DECRYPTAGE – With Christmas just a month away, railway workers are preparing to go on strike on Thursday in a bid to secure juicy pay rises. This despite the fact that their salaries have risen far more than those of private-sector employees.
When it comes to social protest, SNCF railway workers never seem to run out of imagination. The proof is in the “warm-up strike from twenty-four hours planned by the CGT Cheminots, Unsa-Ferroviaire, SUD-Rail and CFDT Cheminots trade unions this Thursday. The intention is clear: to get into marching order and prepare minds for the unlimited and renewable strike scheduled to start on December 11. The railway workers are well aware that both the government and the rail operator’s management are hoping to ward off the spectre of another strike at Christmas. “The minister wouldn’t understand if the French were blocked”.warned on RFI Transport, François Durovrayusing the third person for the occasion. His speech comes just days after SNCF CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou’s statements in La Tribune Dimanche urging rail workers to “remain on the side of the French people”. by abandoning a strike he…