The hearing is scheduled for March 31 and will focus on alleged “vexatious and humiliating remarks, (…) criticism of their professional skills”.
Former MoDem Secretary of State Nathalie Elimas will go on trial at the end of March for moral harassment of five members of her cabinet when she was in charge of priority education, AFP learned from a source close to the case on Thursday. When contacted, the Paris public prosecutor’s office confirmed the hearing, scheduled for March 31, and which will focus on suspicions of moral harassment. “vexatious and humiliating remarks, contradictory injunctions, criticism of their professional skills, all occurring after a brief state of grace”. Nathalie Elimas, who resigned in March 2022 following AFP reports on the case, did not wish to comment immediately, nor did her lawyer Benoît Derieux.
According to the public prosecutor’s office, the members of his cabinet involved in the case, “for the most part, the communications advisors who worked with her in succession”.have denounced these facts, dating from July 2020 to March 2022, which expose this former member of the government two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros. In the case of one of the alleged victims, the public prosecutor’s office notes, for example, that she saw herself as “imposed tasks other functions, “a wide range of working hoursa “sometimes public denigration of his professional skills”, “contradictory injunctions and implicit demands followed by reproaches”.
Dysfunctions” at his relative firm
The public prosecutor’s office also highlights the “multiplication of unfounded reproaches and hurtful remarks”. about the former cabinet member’s personal life and work, “such as her excessive use of cabs, her flexible working hours, her absences from the ministry at weekends”.all pointing to a desire for isolation. AFP had revealed in mid-January 2022 that the former Secretary of State was the subject of an administrative investigation by the Inspection générale de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (General Inspectorate for Higher Education and Research) following internal reports of “dysfunctions within his relative firm “labor relations.
This procedure led to the Paris public prosecutor’s office being informed and a criminal investigation being launched by the BRDP (Brigade de répression de la délinquance contre la personne). At least three sources had also denounced the employment within the cabinet of a person very close to Nathalie Elimas, described by one of these sources as “untouchable”.. This member of Jean Castex had said “victim of a violent attack”.. A week after her departure from the government, Nathalie Elimas announced that she had filed a complaint for slanderous denunciation. Nathalie Elimas, 51, a teacher by profession, joined the government in July 2020 after being elected in 2017 as a Member of Parliament. MoDem (presidential majority) for Val-d’Oise.